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Final Fantasy VII Review

Final Fantasy VII is a game that is impossible not to recommend to any RPG enthusiast. It sets new standards in gameplay, graphics, storytelling, and overall gaming experience.

Official Review


Final Fantasy VII, a name synonymous with the RPG genre, is a game that has set the bar high for all console titles. This article delves deep into the heart of this game, exploring its unique features, riveting storylines, and the transformative experience it offers to its players.

A Benchmark for Console Titles

Final Fantasy VII, produced by the RPG titan Square, is an exception to the rule that extended game delays often lead to underwhelming results. With a runtime exceeding all previous console RPGs, this game spans three CDs and demands approximately 49 hours to complete.


Lengthy Gameplay

Final Fantasy VII offers a gameplay experience that is considerably lengthier than its counterparts. It requires an average of 25 hours for the first disc, 15 for the second, and 9 for the third – a significant portion of which is dedicated to breeding and racing chocobos1.

Delving into Characters' Backstories

Since their previous RPG release, Chrono Trigger, Square has been renowned for incorporating intriguing 'easter eggs' into the gaming experience. Final Fantasy VII is no exception. Players can uncover the protagonist's past over a span of three hours, with additional backstory for other characters.


Graphical Excellence

This game takes graphical brilliance to a new level, offering visuals far superior to any other game on the PlayStation. Players start in a huge industrial complex in a futuristic city, and as the game progresses, they discover that the city is just a small part of a vast world map.

An Immersive Experience

Players are given the freedom to navigate through hand-drawn locales2. The game offers a variety of settings to explore, from submarines and amusement parks to reactors and farms. The level of detail in animating the player icons is commendable, making the gaming experience more immersive.


Combat Engine

One of the highlights of Final Fantasy VII is its combat engine. While the game allows for only three members in a party at a time, the array of effects more than compensates for this limitation. Each character boasts a unique look and weapon style, which leads to different attack animations.

Special Attacks and Spells

Final Fantasy VII stands out for its special attacks and spells, with each of the nine characters having 'limit breaks'. These can only be used after the character has taken a certain amount of damage. The game features 70 spells in total, 16 of which are summon monster spells.


Deep and Engrossing Plot

Final Fantasy VII offers a plot that is deep, epic, and typical of Square's previous efforts. The game uses a multitude of flashback sequences, rendered sequences, and prerendered FMV, enhancing the mood and emotion of the story.

Mature Themes

The game is unapologetic in its use of uncensored language and adult themes. Sony's decision not to alter the content has resulted in a game rating that is well deserved due to the mature sexual and violent themes presented.



Final Fantasy VII is a game that is impossible not to recommend to any RPG enthusiast. It sets new standards in gameplay, graphics, storytelling, and overall gaming experience.


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