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Remove Transparency Filter (4.4 Update!)

Remove Transparency Filter (4.4 Update!)
A Mod for Genshin Impact.


Remove Transparency Filter (4.4 Update!)Remove Transparency Filter (4.4 Update!)Remove Transparency Filter (4.4 Update!)

Removes the transparency/upskirt filter for characters in Genshin Impact.

Requires 3dmigoto GIMI to function: https://github.com/SilentNightSound/GI-Model-Importer

4.4UPDATE: Remove transparency filter has been updated for 4.4.

To install the update, just extract the files from Mods into your Mods folder and the files from ShaderFixes into ShaderFixes while saying yes to any overwrites. There is no need to delete previous files or worry about compatibility issues with previous versions. You may have to restart the game for the mod to take effect! F10 is sometimes not enough in some cases.

NOTE: This mod is different from others on the site in that it requires files in both the Mods and ShaderFixes folders - the zip file has the files already separated by folder (make sure the shaderfixes files are directly in the ShaderFixes folder in 3dmigoto - they won't be found if they are in a subdirectory)

If you like the mods and tools I create, please consider leaving a tip at https://ko-fi.com/silentnightsound. Thank you!


Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod
  1. 3dmigoto GIMI
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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