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Magical Vacation

Magical Vacation
English Translation

Game Description:

Magical Vacation is Brownie Brown's first RPG, and a prequel of sorts to the NDS game Magical Starsign. Brownie Brown would later go on to do Sword of Mana and Mother 3 on the GBA.
This one didn't come overseas, but the influence this had on their later titles visually is quite telling, Sword of Mana in particular. This is a completely different game otherwise however, so give it a shot!

Translation Description:

Magical Vacation is Brownie Brown's first RPG, released on the Game Boy Advance in 2001. The game never saw an overseas release and is one of the few gems on the Game Boy Advance that is Japan only.
A few lines are still untranslated (characters will literally say "untranslated"), and some enemies are named "placeholder" during battles. There are minor graphical glitches and typos that still exist. The ending is glitched and not translated. Also, some NPCs will now soft-lock the game if you try to talk to them.


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